Nazeem Hussain releases Survivor’s Guide to Coronavirus podcast

ARN’s iHeartPodcast Network Australia has partnered with Australian comedian Nazeem Hussain for the launch of his new podcast Survivor’s Guide to Coronavirus.

With live stand-up performances on hold for the foreseeable future, Hussain has taken the opportunity to pen the “definitive” survivor’s guide for these unprecedented times. Like so many people, Hussain admits he has no idea what to do with the world in crisis, so he’s drawing on the knowledge of people even less qualified than him to find his way.

Hussain has teamed up with Luke McGregor, Julia Morris, Karl Chandler, Collingwood’s Dane Swan, Scott Pape (The Barefoot Investor), Urzila Carlsson, Joel Creasey and even Melbourne Lord Major Sally Capp to stave of fear and doubt as they all try to navigate this new world.

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Multiple episodes will be released weekly on ARN’s iHeartPodcast Network.

Nazeem Hussain said: “Given that as a comedian live performance is cancelled for the foreseeable future, I’ve turned my attention to something I’m both good at and still able to do – talk to my friends at a distance of at least two metres. What has become abundantly clear in these times is that people are still keen to stay connected despite being in physical isolation, as we all try to do our best to find ways to keep close with our friends and communities. I don’t know how informative this podcast will be but I can promise it will be funny and a great way to fill 15 minutes of your day in isolation. The other 23 hours and 45 minutes is up to you.”

ARN’s commercial product and audio partnerships director Corey Layton said, “We’re committed to helping podcast creators reach new audiences and ensuring it’s easy for our audiences to discover new content they love on our platform. As most of us move indoors, Nazeem’s Survivor’s Guide brings timely distraction as well as direction for getting through it, all in his unique style.”

See also:
iHeartPodcasts Network expanding Australian library

Listen to Survivor’s Guide to Coronavirus with Nazeem Hussain here

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