Mutinex launches DataOS, a new solution for data warehousing


Mutinex said some customers have already cut the time to build an optimised data warehouse by 70%.

Mutinex has launched DataOS, a companion product to its GrowthOS market mix modelling tool. 

The introduction of DataOS acts as a solution to simplify a space that has traditionally been plagued with complexity.

Mutinex co-founder and CEO Henry Innis said: “Data provisioning for MMM is one of the most challenging aspects for customers moving to an ‘always on’ insight cadence. But we don’t want timely insights to come with a high operational cost. That’s why we think DataOS is a critical piece of the data provisioning process.

“Most vendors today are working with a simple API layer, but we found extracting data simply from APIs only gave top-level channel reads.

“To truly have a layered, complex model that predicted growth in a granular way across channels, from multiple agency partners and across complex enterprise product sets we needed an intelligent, smart data management tool that went far beyond simply importing data.

DataOS has been designed to reduce data provisioning for a range of marketing projects by providing a space for marketers to store and clean their data. It has been designed with a user-friendly interface and built-in workflows, meaning that data scientists are not required to “clean” and manage data in order for it to be processed into advanced MMM systems. 

“The product fundamentally solves the problem of generating high-quality data for modelling, by putting every marketer in control of how their data is structured in seconds,” Innis added.

“For many companies, this will unlock the structured workflows they need to ensure consistently high-quality data is delivered to their market mix model.”

Mutinex has been testing the product with all of its existing customers, with the company stating that in some cases, customers have been able to cut the time to build an optimised data warehouse by 70%.

Innis stated that DataOS is the only system of its kind designed to be used by marketers to deliver higher-quality data at scale. 

“As the MMM landscape becomes more competitive, we’re seeing a fundamental shift towards faster modelling and a high demand for data. That’s why we’ve decided to get ahead of this problem for our customers,” he said.

See also: Former Nine director of effectiveness, Jonathan Fox, joins Mutinex

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