Meeting of The Minds: Communicado’s Anna Barham Kumar and Anna Greer

meeting of the minds logo - September 12

Barham Kumar and Greer share their best career advice, hot takes, and what they currently have on repeat.

This week’s Meeting of the Minds sees Anna Barham Kumar and Anna Greer from independent full-service agency Communicado reveal their leadership heroes, current streaming binge, and career goals.

The Mediaweek series showcases diverse perspectives, thoughts and opinions by bringing together two different points of view from an industry rookie and an experienced expert.

Anna Barham Kumar – head of content and social, Communicado

Favourite podcast/read – I love Jorge Borges, Kafka and classic Russian literature. I’m more a reader than a listener, but I’ve dipped in and out of a history podcast called Empire, it’s fascinating.

Current streaming binge –  The Bear. I haven’t had strong feelings about anything else recently. Seeking recommendations.

Guilty pleasure content – I love a feast for the eyes, Marie Antoinette and pretty horror movies like Suspiria or The Neon Demon. I also recently rewatched Buffy, which was great.

What do you have on repeat – Besides the comfort content I’m not big on repetition. I’m always searching for something new and interesting. Probably why I’ve ended up working in social.
Best career advice –
Everyone is different but something that’s benefited me immensely is actively working on my weaknesses, seeking both opportunities to step outside my comfort zone and specific feedback to help guide that process.
Leadership hero –
While the obvious choice is someone high profile, I really admire ‘quieter’ leaders. People who foster consensus and nurture a supportive, constructive and creative environment where their team feel empowered to break new ground.
CMC has quite a few and I could name them, but they’d just say they have a great team!
Best training course/session –
I did an AdSchool Foundations course (broadly similar to the Essentials Certificate offered now) very early on in my career. As someone who came to marketing with a degree in Philosophy, that was fantastic groundwork. Now, things move so fast in the social and digital space, the key is making a habit of saying yes to as many learning opportunities as I can squeeze into my calendar.
I wish someone had told me –
Protecting your work life balance will make you better at your job.
Favourite place to network –
Events and talks, everyone is feeling inspired and itching to discuss what they’ve just heard.
Something that’s surprised you about the industry –
How long it took for social to be taken seriously. Being called a guru or a wizard is a distant memory now, thankfully.
What is your hot take on the industry –
Not that hot, but I think we can all see that AI is going to accelerate the pace of change exponentially, and I’m concerned about the potential for that to exacerbate issues with social media algorithms- best case it will force positive change.
Career goal for 2024 –   
Support my team and CMC to grow and take on new challenges.

Amy Greer – agency producer, Communicado

Favourite podcast/read – I recently finished ‘Bunny’ by Mona Awad. Was a surprisingly easy read, despite the weird and at times, disturbing content. Twisted and funny all at once.

Current streaming binge –  HBOs Girls. It’s just a classic. I’ve rewatched it about four times now, and at each age I watch at I find that I have a completely different take on the characters and plot lines.

Guilty pleasure content – Below Deck. I’ve watched every season ever; Mediterranean, Sailing Yacht, Down Under. There isn’t a better reality show in my eyes.

What do you have on repeat – The Olympics, of course. I’m a bit of a swimmer myself, so I’ve loved watching team Australia smash it in the pool. 

Best career advice – There’s no such thing as a dumb question or idea. I think when you’re junior, there can be a lot of self-doubt, and moments where you don’t want to single yourself out from the crowd, whether that be by raising a thought or querying something. But what I’ve learnt is that most of the time people appreciate input in any form as it often leads to bigger thinking.

Leadership hero – At Communicado, I’m lucky to be spoilt for choice when it comes to mentors. All the leaders in our team carry themselves with confidence and a can-do attitude, even when things get a little crazy. They’re cool under pressure and always approachable, which are aspects I’d like to mimic as I progress in my career. 

Best training course/session – I attended the ‘How to Be A Shit Hot Suit’ webinar hosted by Creative Natives with Camey O’Keefe. It was a super informative session and really opened my eyes to being able to understand each person’s role/perspective within an agency.

I wish someone had told me – It’s okay not to know exactly what you want to do. They do tell you this, but it really is true. In the right workplace, your employer and colleagues will value your strengths, uplift you and help you find your way. 

Favourite place to network – Industry events are great; I attended the TikTok Agency Day and that was an awesome place to be surrounded by individuals in similar roles as my own. Also, within your workplace! In Melbourne in particular, it seems everyone is connected somehow, so I love having a chat to my fellow colleagues about where they’ve been and who they know. Lots of ins everywhere.

Something that’s surprised you about the industry – So much. Unfortunately, uni can’t really prepare you for all the intricacies of agency life. For me, within social especially, it’s surprised me how quickly things change within the landscape. Even platforms like Meta are constantly evolving how they optimise and function. It can be both exciting and infuriating at the same time! 

What is your hot take on the industry – Probably not a hot take for those in the weeds of social, but followers aren’t relevant (or as relevant) anymore for brands. In the TikTok era it’s all about the views and engagements. 

Career goal for 2024 – Have a content piece go viral; why not shoot for the stars.

To take part in future editions of Meeting of the Minds, please email: [email protected]

Past editions of Meeting of the Minds.

Top image: Anna Barham Kumar and Anna Greer

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