Mediaweek TV Guide – 5 October 2016

On the list of things to watch on TV today: Deep Water on SBS, The Flash on FOX8 and Supergirl on Binge
Jeremy Lindsay Taylor offering Stone some insight on SBS' Deep WaterRecommendations by Andrew Mercado.
Deep Water 8.30pm on SBS
Another Aussie drama wades in (get it?) to this crowded Wednesday timeslot that already screens The Wrong Girl and Doctor Doctor. This four-part miniseries from Blackfella Films constructs a fictional story set in Bondi today against the backdrop of a series of gay hate crimes that started in the area around the 1980s. It’s great to see Game Of Thrones’ Noah Taylor back home, working on a smaller show where he has reportedly said it was great to know the names of every crew member. He is ably joined in this interesting drama by another Aussie actor who has done well overseas, Orange Is The New Black’s Yael Stone, and a host of classy locals like Ben Oxenbould, William McInnes, Mitchell Butel, Craig McLachlan, Jeremy Lindsay Taylor and John Brumpton. Also check out the way that SBS deftly works in its charter multicultural angle with the very first murder victim – great stuff.
The Flash 7.30pm on FOX8
Screening “Express from the US” (having just aired in the US this morning, Australian time), the third series has altered its timeline after Barry (Grant Gustin) went back in time last season to save his mother from being murdered by the Reverse Flash. That also means that his father (John Wesley Schipp who played The Flash in the 1990 TV series) is now still alive because he was not killed by Zoom in this new reality. Confused yet? Well, they better sort it out or it’s going to be near impossible to figure out crossovers for all the other DC comics TV series.
Supergirl on Binge
A brand new channel has started on Foxtel today after Soho shut down last night. In a programming move exactly the same as their BoxSets channel, multiple episodes of a series are screened back-to-back. Given that the second season of Supergirl is going to start on FOX8 next Tuesday, it’s no surprise that Binge’s opening show is the first season of Supergirl.