Mediaweek Academy
Note: Course dates have been updated to commence February 2023 to October 2023.
Australia’s leading advertising and media trade publication is launching an educational training Academy, a 10-month educational program that covers a diverse syllabus with class topics that will fast track your career.
What makes the Mediaweek Academy unique is its industry educator and former media agency leader, the course curator and tutor Greg Graham.

Greg Graham
The special Mediaweek Academy course framework will feature industry legends sharing their insights coupled with young superstars in their specialist areas.
The 10-lesson course will feature a special blend of interactive elements, Q&A, regular lectures, a feedback loop, plus a personalised action plan to implement back in your business after each session.
The lessons will be monthly for a half-day at the New South Wales Teachers Federation commencing in February 2023* through to November 2023. Classes will be on the last Wednesday of every month.
The course structure:
• Wednesday, Feb 22 – Career growth & development– with Legend John Steedman and Superstar Rebecca Drummond, from Wavemaker ANZ
• Wednesday, March 29 – Building client trust & respect– with Legend Mark Buckman from Accenture Song, and Superstar Duncan McGrath from Google
• Wednesday, April 26 – Sales & negotiation skills– with Legend Genelle Sharples from Telstra and Superstar Philippa Noliea-Tani from Wavemaker
• Wednesday, May 31 – Building your Personal Brand– with Legend Sunita Gloster from Gloster Advisory and Superstar Lara Brownlow from LinkedIn
• Wednesday, June 28 – Listening skills– with Legend author Oscar Trimboli and Bare Feat founder Chloe Hooper
• Wednesday, July 26 – Pitching to Win– with Legend Graham Webster from Enth Degree, and Superstar Joe Frazer from Half dome
• Wednesday, August 30 – Storytelling/Presenting Skills– with Legend Rose Herceg from WPP, and Superstar Jules Lund from Tribe
• Wednesday, September 27 – Inspiring Creativity– with Legend Julia Zaetta from Harris Farm Mag, and Superstar Adam Ross from Coca Cola
• Wednesday, October 25 – Partnerships & Collaboration– with Legend Lou Barrett from News Corp, and Superstar Danni Hudson from Snap Inc.
• Wednesday, November 29 –Leadership/Management Mindset – with Legend Katie Rigg Smith from Mindshare, and Superstar Jimmy Hyett from This Is Flow
The first lesson will be on career growth and development and feature industry legend John Steedman who has held leadership positions at WPP, Group M, and Mindshare amongst many others, as well as Wavemaker ANZ’s group strategy director Rebecca Drummond.
Drummond said that she was excited to be part of the inaugural Mediaweek Academy lesson: “I’m thrilled to take part in the Mediaweek Academy and share how important career development and goal setting is for young talent as they enter into the industry. This initiative provides a unique opportunity that bridges the gap between theory and practical experience on a regular basis, and it’s exciting to see industry legends like Sparrow and Steady leading this from the frontline.”

Rebecca Drummond
Steedman also pressed on the importance of training to the media industry: “Training is imperative to retaining, growing, encouraging, and motivating talent in an organisation. No matter how long one has been working, there’s always a huge appetite to learn and progress.
“There are two ‘P’s to success: people and product. Get those right and that third P – profit – is a given!”

John Steedman
Graduates from the 10-month Mediaweek Academy course will gain certification ensuring they are the hottest talent for that next new job or promotion opportunity.