Mediaweek 100: Agency heads and regulators plus list by sex and title

Mediaweek 100

Too big for the MW100? The nine Australians that any media industry chief would take a call from

In our final examination of the make-up of the Mediaweek 100 list, today we look at the breakdown by sex and title.

We also look at the people who might be just too important to make our ranking.

It’s a man’s world

Media management has been a man’s world…but not completely. Although our list is 75% male, the stats are changing and we’d like to think by even next year the percentage could be substantially lower.

There certainly seems room for more sharing of power near the top of our chart. There were four women in the MW100 Top 20, and just one in the Top 10.

There was then only seven women in the Top 40 with the percentage creeping higher across the remaining 60 placings – 20 of them women.

Mediaweek 100

Mediaweek 100: Rank and sector

No surprise that our list is dominated by Chief Executive Officers. That title meant an instant entry for many (but not all!), while bigger companies got a few representatives.

See also: Corporate roll call –Digging into the Mediaweek 100 and who missed out?

Too big for Mediaweek 100? The Regulators

Although they don’t directly wield media power, this quartet has an enormous influence on the sector and anybody on the Mediaweek 100 would make themselves immediately available to a call from this quartet.

Scott Morrison, Prime Minister
Paul Fletcher, Communications Minister
Josh Frydenberg, Treasurer
Rod Sims, ACCC Chairman

Media Agency Chiefs

These are arguably the five most important people when it comes to overall management and responsibility of investment in media products.
For more see forthcoming Investment 100: Media Buyers & Sellers.

Omnicom, Peter Horgan
WPP Andrew Scott, COO
(Interim leader while a replacement for Jens Monsees is recruited)
IPG Mediabrands, Mark Coad
Dentsu, Angela Tangas
Publicis, Mike Rebelo

What about out of home?

The outdoor sector doesn’t produce media, but they provide advertisers with big audiences and among those advertisers are many of Australia’s big media groups. This list might not be as hands-on as their key team members, but they sit at the top of the tree.

Barclay Nettlefold, QMS
Cathy O’Connor, oOh!media
Steve O’Connor, JCDecaux
Chris Tyquin, goa
Mike Tyquin, Cartology
Brad Bishopp, Bishopp

Coming in 2022

• Investment 100: Media Buyers & Sellers
• Political Influence
• Media Talent Time
• Sports Media Allstars

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