‘We want to be the best radio show there is’: Jimmy & Nath on allowing things to go wrong to create fun and unpredictable content

Mediaweek Next of the Best - Jimmy and Nath

“The goal of the Jimmy & Nath show is to bring as many people along for the ride as possible.”

Jimmy Smith and Nath Roye have worked hard to achieve their national radio spot, presenting the National Nights Show on the HIT Network.

This was reflected when the radio duo won the audio talent category at Mediaweek’s recent Next of The Best Awards 

Mediaweek caught up with Jimmy & Nath to chat about giving their audiences light and shade with their content and what the industry can expect from them next.

The awards have been judged by an all-star line-up, what does it mean to you to be recognised by this group?

We are stoked to get the nod from a group of our peers and people who know the industry well. Well, they mustn’t know it too well if they chose us, or maybe they do, who knows.

We are super proud of our show and the Jimmy & Nath brand, which has been building for over 10 years now, so to get recognition for that work is sensational. Of course, we wouldn’t be able to do the big wild and wonderful things we do on air and around the country if it wasn’t for the supportive team we have around us, who babysit us and sometimes let us do things… if we listen.

What content is the Jimmy & Nath audience resonating with in 2024?

The content resonating most with our audiences is, of course, our outlandish jokes, pick-up lines, and one-liners that feature heavily on our podcast and social media. Along with that it is our unique take on storytelling and news presenting (what some call the ‘Jimmy & Nath Spin’) that sets us apart from other shows.

We all have access to the same content but the way we choose to show it is unpredictable and engaging in a way that other shows can’t do. The goal of the Jimmy & Nath show is to bring as many people along for the ride as possible, it’s like one big bus and everyone is invited and encouraged to be a part of it.

We are the first to admit the funniest and most engaging moments on our show are often provided by our hilarious listeners who we give a platform to and let shine. The Jimmy & Nath show is a show for the audience whoever you are everyone has a story to tell.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you on air?

Wow, this is a very hard question to answer, because so much goes wrong on our show every day and to be honest it is what makes it so fun and unpredictable. The show we create allows for things to go wrong and we love to lean into them because that’s what we feel people engage with. A few examples of funny things that have happened on air would be:

When Nath bogged the station car in the middle of a beach when we were doing a broadcast from the beach. He did it live on air because he thought it would ‘look cool’ if it was down on the sand – the car was not made for driving on sand, so the next hour of the show was dedicated to finding tow trucks in the area who could come down and help. Our listeners banded together and we ended up getting three tow trucks down there again live on the show to unbog the station car!

When Nath dislocated Jimmy’s shoulder at a Roosters Rugby League training camp. Now granted, this was NOT funny at the time, in fact it was quite traumatic, but humour is born from drama and this was certainly dramatic. We were filming and recording stuff for the show at a Roosters training camp when we got a little too competitive going for a ball after the training had finished, so much so that Nath decided to take out Jimmy in competition for the ball in the air. Nath being much heavier than Jim knocked him hard onto the ground and dislocated his shoulder once at the impact and again on the ground.

The drive to the hospital, hours of pain and painkillers to try and get it back in and the surgery that followed were not funny… but now it very much is. The video of the whole event exists on @jimmyandnath on Instagram and hopped up on painkillers Jimmy’s only words amongst his screaming in pain were ‘make sure you film it all’.

In a competitive radio landscape, what makes the Jimmy & Nath show stand out?

As explained above what is often referred to as the ‘Jimmy & Nath Spin’ on content is what makes us stand out from other shows around the country. We will never take the ‘easy’ option when it comes to presenting content, but rather find a way to involve as many people as we can, and to get the show seen as much as it is heard.

The show is a journey that the audience goes on and helps us build together, there is nothing better than listeners buying into the ridiculousness that we are cooking up on air all in the name of creating joy. The Jimmy & Nath show has a superpower and that superpower is making the tiniest little idea into the biggest thing possible, it’s bringing client messaging to life, and using the audience to create an infectious, big idea that gets national media coverage in a creative, sharable, and memorable way.

Plus, it’s our ability when needed to have real, deep, and powerful discussions that have had cut through well into the millions. Recent conversations about Jimmy’s mental health struggles, domestic violence, or Nath’s wife’s Cystic Fibrosis ensure the show is multi-layered and when needed can show tremendous amounts of light and powerful shade.

Being Next of The Best – what can the industry expect next from you?

Next for us is to keep growing the Jimmy & Nath brand on and off the air. The on-air side of things, whether we are doing nights, drive, or breaky, is only one side of a multifaced coin that makes up our show. Yes, we are a radio show through and through – we always will be, and we will never forget our adoration for the craft we think is still the most powerful in the media, because of its live nature, and ability to change on a dime.

But of course, the show has aspirations. We want to be the best radio show there is and has ever been, we would love to see ourselves in a national drive or Sydney breakfast slot permanently. Our show is a machine that keeps on turning over and it is one that we will forever learn from, grow, and nourish until we are both 80 years old on Triple M once a week yelling at each other because we are old and deaf.

Top image: Jimmy & Nath

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