ARN has celebrated the 18th birthday of breakfast radio giants Jonesy and Amanda in Sydney. The WSFM rating magnets didn’t leave the event till close to 10pm and then were back at the Western Sydney ARN Towers HQ close to 5am this morning.
The party was held at an upmarket eastern suburbs wine bar and guests of honour were some lucky Jonesy and Amanda listeners. The guests were entertained by some sparkling Amanda Keller and Brendan Jones banter and rock and roll legend Richard Clapton.
Along with some lucky listeners, the guest list was headed by HT&E chief executive Ciaran Davis, chief content officer Duncan Campbell, chief strategy and connections officer Lauren Joyce and WSFM content director Mike Byrne.
Other guests included Simon Grace, Leonie Collins, Fiona King, Ford Ennals and Susie Michaels.
Outside the venue, alongside decorated WSFM road warrior vehicles, TV chef Miguel Maestre cooked the largest bowl of paella you’ll ever see. When it was ready to be served guests formed an orderly line to get a taste.

Ageless radio icons Jonesy and Amanda surrounded by the team that helps make the magic: Mike Byrne, Millie Michael, Tyran Stig, Mariam Belle, Ryan Atkins and Jenna Benson. Top photo Jonesy and Amanda with radio boss Ciaran Davis
The Jonesy and Amanda production army got a night off from prepping for the next morning show. Leading the party crew was executive producer Millie Michael. She was joined by newcomer Tyran Stig, newsreader Sean Frazer and producers Mariam Belle and Ryan Atkins.
Also taking a short break from pumping out sales invoices was some of the ARN Sydney sales force.
Speaking to Mediaweek at the event, Jonesy remembered how he moved across from Triple M Sydney to WSFM 20 years ago. “They lured me with the promise to triple my salary,” he recalled. Then just two years into his time at his new radio home, Amanda Keller joined him on breakfast and the rest is radio history.
Keller recalled highlights during her speech including Jonesy’s bike accidents, his vasectomy and her hip replacements. “And we have laughed and cried many times along with the listeners.”
The 18th party event comes weeks after Jonesy and Amanda have started their latest ARN contract. After renewing their breakfast contracts late last year the duo commented:
Amanda Keller: “It’s a great thing to love coming to work. I’m lucky that I get to slug it out every morning with my best friend – laughing, crying, talking about the stuff that unites us all and fuels the lives of our listeners.”
Brendan Jones added: “When I approached Amanda to work for me (I mean WITH me) back in 2004, I said ‘just give me two years and that will keep me in work while I establish myself on breakfast radio.’ Two years has turned into what will be over twenty! I couldn’t be happier to be hanging out with my best friend Amanda.”

The birthday smashcake that Jonesy and Amanda baked this week