In pictures: IMAA’s annual trivia event, hosted by Spotify

Spotify x IMAA Trivia Hero

Sam Buchanan: “We are already looking forward to next year!”


Held in South Melbourne at the Bells Hotel, a near 100 people from local independent media agencies attended the annual Independent Media Agencies of Australia (IMAA) Trivia event, hosted by Spotify

These including Half DomeHatchedLexlabMedia33,  Noisy BeastAdvertising AssociatesMedia RepublicThe Advertising RoomTaska MediaStratosphereAssembled MediaYakkazooThe Media StoreImpressiveEquality Media + MarketingMetropolis Agency.

The Media Republic team were crowned champions after a hard-fought win. 

IMAA Trivia 2023

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IMAA CEO Sam Buchanan said: “The Spotify-hosted IMAA Trivia event is always a hot ticket on our social calendar and it was great to see so many local indies represented on the night.

“No doubt there was a decent amount of healthy competition in the room, which always adds to the excitement of the night, but ultimately it was Media Republic who came out on top. Congratulations team.

“A big thank you has to go to our incredible partners at Spotify, Kate Perry and Jacinta Dwyer, for hosting us all. We are already looking forward to next year!”

Recently, IMAA has been in the news for their efforts to  fund and support an innovative barber training program to offer would-be barbers from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds in the Northern Territory a chance to hone their scissor skills and provide haircuts to the community.

Barber Blak Kings is a new initiative offering a barbery training course for disadvantaged Indigenous young people created by Aboriginal social enterprise Kings Narrative, which is supported by the IMAA as part of its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

The six-week program, delivered by Kings Narrative in partnership with Ballaman Wellness, will be facilitated by Aboriginal men, for Aboriginal men, and will provide participants the opportunity to learn the foundational skills of Barbering. Buchanan has described being part of the initiative as “deeply moving and a privilege to be a part of.”

See Also: IMAA supports innovative Indigenous barber program from Kings Narrative

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