IAB updates Connected TV Handbook for marketers


“Understanding the capabilities and challenges Connected TV as a device poses to our industry is critically important.”

The IAB Australia Video Council has released an updated Connected TV Handbook, expanding on the initial edition published in 2020. 

Intended as a tool to assist marketers and agencies in understanding the market, the updated version covers the opportunities for advertising through data and personalisation, provides a framework for measurement, outlines planning considerations and elements of creativity, and also includes an update on IAB Tech Lab Standards and an introduction to the Advanced TV product roadmap.

Natalie Stanbury, IAB Australia’s director of research, said there have been “significant developments across audience size, measurement capabilities, access to and use of data and interactive creative in the CTV space over the last four years. This handbook provides a compelling update for the industry and anyone seeking to use this powerful platform to reach audiences in 2024.”

The Handbook can be broken down into five key takeaways:

Marketers should work to shift the perception of CTV as solely an upper-funnel platform and reposition it as a comprehensive full-funnel solution.

Marketers need to define success metrics at each stage of the funnel. This involves measuring advertising performance, and highlighting the most relevant KPIs, goals, and targets.

Marketers should use various measurement techniques – such as brand lift studies, market mix modelling, and cross-media brand lift surveys – to understand the impact of marketing and advertising on brand objectives in the short and long term.

Marketers should leverage data and personalisation in CTV, sourcing first-party data directly from users interacting with the platform or from third-party data providers.

And marketers need to stay informed about technology updates, such as OpenRTB 2.6 and how it works for CTV, as well as advancements in ad formats and content signals for CTV supply.

Vikki Pearce, chair of IAB Australia Video Council and head of digital VIC/QLD at Zenith, said she was “pleased to share with the market the 2024 Connected TV Handbook” due to evolution in the landscape over the last four years.

“Given the scale of investment that is, and will continue to be placed into video, understanding the capabilities and challenges Connected TV as a device poses to our industry is critically important. The Council have worked hard to capture all aspects of Connected TV, from technical to buyside. I hope this provides an insightful and educational resource for the industry at large.”

The Connected TV Handbook was prepared by IAB Australia Video Council members Samsung Ads, Teads, Paramount ANZ, Nine, SWM, The Trade Desk, Adobe, Google, Publica, Zenith, ZO along with IAB Australia tech lead, Jonas Jaanimagi and director of research, Stanbury.  

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