What Good Influence Looks Like: How to find the right influencers for your brand, part II

good influence influencers marketing

This process involves two main stages

In part two of Social Soup‘s How To Find The Right Influencers For Your Brand, the focus shifts to the selection and recruitment of influencer talent. This process involves two main stages: influence matching and vetting, which encompasses considerations for brand safety and influencer impact.

See Also: What Good Influence Looks Like: How to find the right influencers for your brand, part I

Influence Matching

1. Content style: Aligning the look and feel of the influencer’s content with your brand’s aesthetic is crucial, especially when you plan to amplify content beyond the influencer’s audience. The right alignment ensures superior performance and engagement.

2. Create a niche: Matching the influencer’s specific area of expertise or interest in their content with your brand can result in more authentic and engaging content. When a creator genuinely resonates with your product or service, it tends to resonate with their audience as well.

3. Influence typology: Consider the tone and style of the influencer. For example, an educational style might be suitable for a campaign focused on detailed product information, while a new product launch might benefit from a more trailblazing style.


1. Demographics: Examine the influencer’s audience to ensure alignment with your target audience. This includes considering the percentage of the audience located in your target region.

2. Brand safety: Thoroughly assess the influencer’s past posts and overall tone to ensure they align with your brand’s values and represent it effectively.

3. Audience Quality: Pay attention to engagement and growth rate while being vigilant about fake followers and accounts. A poor-quality audience can lead to lower results, reduced impact, and increased costs.

4. Commercial content ratio and performance: Authenticity is key. Working with an influencer should feel genuine and not overly transactional. If an influencer does paid partnerships too frequently, it might come across as inauthentic.

By creating a tagging system, you can find the right influencer partners far more efficiently, especially if you plan to work with influencer talent consistently.

While vetting and matching require time and effort, the investment is worthwhile as influencers serve as your brand’s channel and should be a true representation of your brand to really deliver ROI.

See Also: What Good Influence Looks Like: Influencer marketing effectiveness study

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