How Glenfiddich lifted luxury perception by 12% with Newsamp and iProspect

“Shaping that conversation for the brand and shaping how people perceive it is really important.”

Newsamp first took on Glenfiddich’s Fashion Week campaign after the brand worked with Afterpay’s Australia Fashion Week. Partnering with News Corp’s Vogue Australia, the team aimed to put Glenfiddich at the forefront of new luxury.

“It’s such a big cultural centre point in our calendar, particularly around fashion,” Emily Van Arendonk, strategy manager at Newsamp NSW, told Mediaweek.

Emily Van Arendonk newsamp gelnfiddich

Emily Van Arendonk

“There’s always a real groundswell of interest in either working with us around that time, or how to make a brand’s sponsorship work harder. That’s really where Glenfiddich stood. 

“They had already done so much amazing work in understanding what they wanted to say and how they wanted to be perceived by this particular audience, and we know what our audience wants to hear when they’re going through magazines, and what they’re expecting from brands in those spaces.”

Van Arendonk said the team have “quite a few different spikes throughout our calendar,” with major events drawing brands in to work with the team – “we have so many amazing brands under our umbrella that there’s always something on.”

For brands, Van Arendonk said making the most of the momentum gained by large events involved pulling in multiple voices from around the business, to collaborate in ways “that maybe other publishers aren’t always able to.”

“The best thing about Newsamp is that we’re more than just a brief response area of the business. Within my own team, I have a research and insights partner, and I have a solutions partner who is in constant contact with editorial. 

“What that means is when we have something coming up in our calendars, we can double-check and see what research we have, or if we need to do more research to understand where consumers are at. We can tap into all these different funnels of the business to bring together something really great.”

The results of the campaign were “amazing” according to Van Arendonk, who said the two focuses for the brand were distinction and occasionality – “knowing when and why you would pick a Glenfiddich product up to drink.” 

When Kantar measured the impact of the campaign, it found that brand awareness lifted by 3.5 times, and that brand perception increased by 7% with the campaign material.

“We also saw a lift of 12% in regards to luxury perception for the brand, and that was something that I was super proud of as well,” said Van Arendonk. 

You can lift awareness, you can lift distinctivity, but shaping that conversation for the brand and shaping how people perceive it is really important.”

The Newsamp team worked with dentsu’s iProspect on this campaign, with Van Arendonk laughing that, “in the media world  – between clients, agencies, publishers – things get lost and messy and confusing. But working with iProspect and having the Newsamp division all together made it really clean.”

Heloise Parlett, client director at iProspect, added: “With an ambition to accelerate the growth of Glenfiddich’s luxury credentials, we aimed to deliver an integrated media approach that was authentic to Glenfiddich and the ideals of modern luxury.

“With an in-depth understanding of the audience, we were able to identify that the synergies between Glenfiddich and Vogue made this ideal content partnership to deliver on our objectives. We were pleased with the strong results, and especially the positive sentiment that was delivered through the work.”

See Also: AMEX, delicious. Month Out, and the impact of long-term partnerships

Top Image: Emily Van Arendonk

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