Guy Jarvie: How digital agencies can go from challengers to long-term partners

NP Digital - Guy Jarvie

‘Chasing quick profits while losing clients isn’t a winning strategy.’

By Guy Jarvie, general manager at NP Digital ANZ

In a tight market where budgets are always under pressure, challenger brands need to put the client first if they want to build lasting relationships. Guy Jarvie, general manager at NP Digital ANZ, shares what businesses should look for in a digital agency partner. 

As someone who cares a lot about keeping strong client relationships, a recent stat I came across really stood out. In Australia, research shows nearly 70% of small businesses drop their digital marketing agency within a year1. That’s a pretty shocking number, so here are five things agencies can do (and brands should watch for) to make sure those relationships last.

Prioritise client retention from the start

It might seem like a no-brainer, but start with a clear focus on keeping clients happy. Be upfront from the get-go—lay out the key performance indicators, explain how your fees and strategies work, and make sure clients know that transparency is baked into your process.

Do what’s right for the client, always

Agencies that focus on their clients’ success will win in the long run. That same research I mentioned earlier found that more than 50% of small businesses felt they were being sold services they didn’t need. A client-first mindset means doing what’s best for the client, even if it means passing up a quick win for the agency.

Stick to the business metrics that matter

There are heaps of metrics in marketing, but not all of them actually lead to business success. Our focus at NP Digital is on business metrics rather than just media metrics, making sure we’re delivering real results for our clients. That sometimes means tough conversations need to be had, but it’s all about setting them up for long-term business success.

Set yourself apart with culture

Building a great team is key, but soft skills are just as important. How your team solves problems, the value they bring to the table, and what they learn from each project can make all the difference. Focusing on values like honesty, transparency, and accountability will build the trust needed for enduring relationships.

Share your tools and knowledge

Real partnerships happen when clients see their agency as more than just a vendor. Something I’ve observed in my time at this agency is our partners appreciate that we share our proprietary tech for free, because it helps them get a better handle on their campaigns and strengthens our relationship.

My final bit of advice: think beyond the bottom line. Chasing quick profits while losing clients isn’t a winning strategy. Build for the long term, and you’ll keep your revenue steady while also growing your reputation through client referrals.

1 Source: Surging disputes between SMEs and digital marketing companies, Smart Company, Jan, 2024

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