Growth Distillery: Travel marketing ‘evolving’ as Aussies seek more personalised experiences

Growth Distillery - Travel marketing evolving as Aussies seek more personalised experiences

James Taylor: “For Aussie travellers affinity and authenticity are the superpowers of Influence.”

Travel marketing is evolving as Australians seek more personalised experiences, according to The Growth Distillery’s second chapter of its research and insights program, The Influence Codes. Produced in collaboration with Ogilvy and Kantar, this chapter focuses on the travel industry.

The Influence Codes is based on six months of research by The Growth Distillery, the independent think-tank and commercial research arm powered by News Corp’s Growth Intelligence Centre, and looks into shifts in technology, society, and globalisation that impact what influence means, and covers how brands can navigate these changes.

In The Influence Codes: Travel explores how travel brands can better serve consumers by understanding critical sources of influence and adopting strategic approaches to stand out in a crowded market.

“For Aussie travellers affinity and authenticity are the superpowers of Influence,” explained The Growth Distillery’s head of research, James Taylor.

“This research shows marketers can help Australians to get more out of life with their travel experiences by being less focused on helping people get away from life, and being more focused on helping people get more from life.”

James Taylor News Corp Australia

According to the findings of this second research report, there is a clear need for travel experiences to resonate personally, with 64% of Australians stating that a holiday is about living their true authentic self.

Furthermore, 39% of consumers find travel brands to be too generic, indicating an opportunity for brands to differentiate themselves by offering more personalised and tailored travel options.

Finally, the report reveals the importance of clear and trustworthy guidance in helping consumers make decisions, with 45% of respondents currently feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of travel choices.

The Influence Codes: Travel chapter follows the inaugural release of The Influence Codes: The New Rules of Influence, which revealed 71% of Australians feel the world around them as increasingly complex and less trustworthy.

The research further found affinity (a blend of character, proximity, and relatability) to be the new foundation of influence.

See also: Growth Distillery, Ogilvy, and Kantar partner for influence research

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