Google to keep third-party cookies after four year deprecation delay

Google Cookies

Anthony Chavez: “We would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time.”

Google will no longer deprecate third-party cookies in its Chrome Browser after four years of delay.

In a blog post, Anthony Chavez, VP of Privacy Sandbox, said they will be proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice.

“We would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time. We’re discussing this new path with regulators, and will engage with the industry as we roll this out,” he added.

Chavez explained that throughout the deprecation process, they have received feedback from regulators such as the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), publishers, web developers and standards groups, civil society, and participants in the advertising industry.

“This feedback has helped us craft solutions that aim to support a competitive and thriving marketplace that works for publishers and advertisers and encourage the adoption of privacy-enhancing technologies.

“Early testing from ad tech companies, including Google, has indicated that the Privacy Sandbox APIs have the potential to achieve these outcomes. And we expect that overall performance using Privacy Sandbox APIs will improve over time as industry adoption increases.

“At the same time, we recognise this transition requires significant work by many participants and will have an impact on publishers, advertisers, and everyone involved in online advertising.”

Looking ahead, Chavez said: “As this moves forward, it remains important for developers to have privacy-preserving alternatives. We’ll continue to make the Privacy Sandbox APIs available and invest in them to further improve privacy and utility. We also intend to offer additional privacy controls, so we plan to introduce IP Protection into Chrome’s Incognito mode.”

He also acknowledged the organisations and individuals who have collaborated with them on the initiative over the last four years on developing, testing and adopting the Privacy Sandbox.

“As we finalise this approach, we’ll continue to consult with the CMA, ICO and other regulators globally. We look forward to continued collaboration with the ecosystem on the next phase of the journey to a more private web.”

Andrea Martens, CEO of Association for Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA), said that association “is encouraged to see that Google has taken a different approach” and that the decision gives consumers more control over their online data settings that align with transparency requirements under Australia’s proposed privacy reforms.

“Customers expect to have control over how their data is used, and any move to provide better control should be welcomed by marketers. It is a key factor in building consumer trust in the marketing ecosystem.

“For marketers, the proposals put forward in the Privacy Sandbox to date have been concerning due to the negative impact they would have on advertising effectiveness and campaign performance, whilst still not meeting privacy laws.

ADMA is encouraged to see that Google has taken a different approach, rather than dogmatically pursuing a solution that would not benefit either the consumer or the marketer. We look forward to Google engaging with industry as it rolls this out.

“While putting more control into consumers’ hands will likely see a reduction in third-party cookie tracking over time, the ability to still use third-party cookies will take some pressure off those who are still heavily reliant on them.

“While today’s announcement may provide some marketers’ relief, ADMA urges the industry not to be complacent or throw away the good work they have done in developing a post-cookie strategy.

“There is already a move away from relying on third-party cookie strategies as deprecation has already taken place across other browsers and consumer expectations regarding how their data is used, with consent, in fair and reasonable ways, is becoming the required standard. Those who embed their marketing strategies in these more evolved fundamental principles will be ahead of the curve in this new paradigm,” Martens added.

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