Global audience flocks to Decidr Discovery Day as new case studies are revealed


The implementation of Decidr’s AI helped increase Edible Beauty’s customer orders by more than 50%.

Multi-agent AI platform, Decidr, revealed how its business solutions have helped clients like CareerOne and Edible Beauty triple their efficiency during its inaugural Discovery Day, presented yesterday to a sold-out room in Sydney and via webinar with more than 1,300 registrations.

CEO and founder, Paul Chan, said: “AI isn’t just about incremental improvements – it’s about redefining how businesses function at every level. With Decidr, we’re not just talking about theory. Our platform is a working, scalable solution that’s driving real results for businesses right now.”

The day drew attendees from Australia, the US, and the UK, and featured insights from Decidr’s clients.


Edible Beauty founder, Anna Mitsos, shared how Decidr’s AI assistant, Ava, has become an essential part of their customer engagement strategy: “With Decidr, we’ve been able to offer personalised, data-driven recommendations to customers 24/7, scaling our operations without losing our brand’s personal touch.”

The implementation of Decidr’s AI helped increase Edible Beauty’s customer orders by more than 50% and improved customer conversion rates by 18%, all while maintaining brand authenticity and the company’s tone of voice. 

CareerOne is working with Decidr to transform how job seekers and employers connect. By harnessing Decidr’s AI-driven technology, CareerOne can now analyze over 300,000 live job listings in real-time, matching them with millions of candidate profiles, and increasing successful job matches by 30%.

CareerOne CEO, Moussa Namini, said: “The AI-powered platform enables us to treat every candidate as an individual, delivering a personalised experience at a scale that was previously unimaginable. It’s not just an improvement; it’s a transformation of the entire recruitment process.”

CareerOne COO, Tome Acevski, added: “It’s made the job market accessible on an unprecedented level. Decidr is helping us do in minutes what used to take weeks.”

Chan revealed that 2025 will see the rollout of new platform features, including a self-service portal, which will allow businesses to onboard and connect their data seamlessly.

“With AI, businesses can now deploy autonomous processes that run 24/7, delivering scalable, smart solutions for every business function. It’s all about moving from humans working with AI to AI working with humans.”

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