After becoming the highest-grossing global debut of any animated film in history, Frozen 2 has smashed box office predictions in Australia, opening with $9.7m.
It has attracted 587,000 people seeing it in just four days – the biggest opening weekend of any animated film in 2019.
Val Morgan forecasts it will deliver an audience in excess of four million to become the highest grossing animated film of 2019, surpassing the record of $41m set by Toy Story 4.
Guy Burbidge, Managing Director, Val Morgan commented, “We are very excited with the results from the opening weekend of Frozen 2. Given the success and following the first film generated, the movie is destined to continue to deliver strong audiences and presents a great opportunity for brands to leverage and align with premium, family content in the lead up to the Christmas retail period.”
With six films having already broken the $1 billion mark internationally in 2019, Disney Studios has experienced its biggest year ever at the Australian box office.
“Looking forward, the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker promises to deliver 2019’s next ‘Super Bowl’ moment, ending an epic story told over 42 years and captivating passionate and highly attentive audiences over the summer period,” Burbidge said.