From My Feed: How White Lotus fans are bringing ‘offline’ moments to our digital world

From My Feed - Alexis Whelan

‘The sheer volume of user-generated content that floods my feed is mind-blowing. This isn’t just buzz; it’s fertile ground for smart brand engagement.’

Too busy to keep up with every meme, every partnership, every trend? ‘From My Feed’ is your shortcut to inspiration from what’s going on in our feeds. Each month, Alexis Whelan, creators and content lead at Kinesso will take us on a deep dive into a trend or moment that kept her attention for longer than six seconds. Think of FMF as your cheat sheet to staying educated, inspired and ahead of the curve – concise, insightful, and always relevant.

Welcome to the first instalment of From My Feed, a look behind the curtains at what has caught my attention for longer than six seconds. I’m Alexis, and I lead a team of experts across influencers and social brand strategy at Kinesso, part of the IPG Mediabrands family.

For March, we are ditching the fleeting trends and diving deep into the power of online communities bringing “offline” moments to our digital world.

I’ve been glued to my couch streaming lately, completely captivated by The White Lotus Season 3. Please don’t even ask me about the theme song yet; I’m still processing… so for those who haven’t seen the show, you’re missing out.. and watch out spoilers are ahead.

It feels that for a while these aren’t just tv shows anymore; they’re cultural conversations that happen everywhere. And the viewing experience doesn’t end when the credits roll. So much so I’m at the point where I fear missing an episode because I’ll see a complete recap before I’ve even had my Tuesday morning coffee.

The sheer volume of user-generated content that floods my feed is mind-blowing. We as fans aren’t passive viewers anymore; we’re active participants dissecting plotlines, crafting theories, creating memes, and essentially extending the life of the show organically and it only continues further in the comment section. This isn’t just buzz; it’s fertile ground for smart brand engagement.


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For a real world example, we look back at the man in finance video from last year. We saw brands such as Up, LinkedIn, Mr Clean and Crocs joined in on the conversation and built brand engagement off the back of it.

This behaviour presents a huge opportunity for brands to connect with audiences on a one to one level more than any traditional ad campaign could ever hope to achieve. This is a ready-made audience, primed for engagement, and brands can cleverly weave themselves into the conversation.

But, how?

• Join the conversation – Engage authentically (now… read that again). Respond to fan theories, share user-generated content, and contribute insightful observations. I am talking witty replies, clever memes, or even original branded content that aligns with the show’s themes. BUT as my mum would remind me “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t anything at all”. The key is to add value, not interrupt.

• Collaborate with creators: Creator content generates 17x more engagements than owned content according to Digital Voices: The State of Influence 2025 Insights Report, so partner with talent who are already passionate about the moment. Whether that is a show, conversation, a man in finance but only where it feels natural. Authenticity is key; forced partnerships will be spotted a mile away…

• Develop thematically relevant campaigns: Create campaigns that align with what’s being spoken about. This allows brands to tap into the emotional resonance of the moment, this isn’t about selling your brand but reaching new audiences. Niche equals reach. Think about the values and emotions the moment and how your brand can authentically reflect those.

The takeaway?

Play with your brand tone when it comes to these trends and cultivate a keen eye for content and let the communities that organically grow around it. It’s an additional and effective way to build brand loyalty and drive genuine engagement.

But remember, it’s about becoming a part of the conversation, not trying to trend-jack it.  

Top image: Alexis Whelan

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