Foxcatcher’s Alex Cook on the WorldView Retail digital marketing solution

Foxcatcher WorldView

Measurable results, predictive strategies for targeting on path to purchase, focus on media dollars.

Earlier this year, Foxcatcher launched WorldView Retail to maximise ROI and customer growth.

Worldview Retail enables brands to maximise ROI and customer growth by closing the gap between potential and converted customers and through intelligent segmentation.

Here Alex Cook, Foxcatcher director of sales, shares his thoughts on the first-party data solution and focusing media dollars on customers who are most likely to convert.

Alex Cook

Retail media offers a robust first-party data solution

With the uncertainty surrounding the future of third-party cookies, brands are increasingly turning to retail media as a robust, first-party data solution. Even though Google has postponed the depreciation of cookies, the limitations of cookie matching are still prompting marketers to seek more reliable ways to reach and engage with their audiences. This shift has accelerated the adoption of retail media, an approach that offers a unique combination of addressability, measurability, and relevance, all while targeting shoppers at the crucial point of purchase.

One of the key reasons retail media is gaining traction is its ability to leverage rich, first-party data directly from retail partners. Unlike traditional digital advertising, which often relies on third-party cookies to infer consumer interests, retail media taps directly into data that reflects real consumer behaviours – what products people are browsing, what they’re adding to their carts, and what they’re ultimately purchasing. This type of data speaks directly to the interests, needs, and preferences of an audience, providing brands with the tools to create highly targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Predictive strategies for targeting on path to purchase

At Foxcatcher, we recognised early on the immense potential of retail first-party data, which is why we developed Worldview Retail. Our platform is designed to help brands harness the power of retail data to curate custom audience cohorts based on actual on-site purchases, forecast revenue opportunities, and understands customer lifetime value. By analysing purchase recency and frequency, we can offer predictive strategies that help brands decide who to target, when to invest in media, and how to navigate the often complex path to purchase.

Focus your media dollars

But why does this matter? Using first-party retail data allows brands to be much more precise in their marketing efforts. Instead of casting a wide net and hoping for the best, brands can focus their media dollars on customers who are most likely to convert, thus reducing waste and maximising the return on ad spend (ROAS). This approach is particularly valuable in today’s market, where every dollar counts, and brands are under increasing pressure to prove the effectiveness of their marketing investments.

Retail media doesn’t just benefit lower-funnel activities focused on driving immediate sales. It can also enhance top-of-funnel efforts like brand awareness and consideration. By using first-party data to better understand consumer behaviours and preferences, brands can create more engaging and relevant content across all programmatic channels, whether it’s display, digital out-of-home (pDOOH), BVOD, or audio. This kind of integrated strategy helps build long-term brand affinity while keeping an eye on real business outcomes.

Tying ad spend to measurable results

Retail media represents a significant shift in how brands think about and execute their marketing strategies. It’s not just about reaching consumers but understanding them in a more profound, data-driven way. By closing the loop on media investment and tying advertising spend directly to measurable business results, retail media offers a path forward in a world with diminishing reliance on third-party cookies.

Foxcatcher is excited to be at the forefront of this transformation. Our Worldview Retail platform is just one example of how brands can leverage the power of retail media to make smarter, more informed decisions. Embracing these new tools and strategies will be essential for brands looking to stay ahead of the curve and connect with consumers in more meaningful ways.

 See also: Foxcatcher launches WorldView Retail to maximise ROI and customer growth

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