Kyle and Jackie O pull record ratings… but people still complain

The KIIS Sydney content director came on Kyle & Jackie O to summarise the recent complaints to the show

The best-performing metro commercial FM station in GfK’s first radio survey of 2016 today did what is does best at breakfast – give listeners a peak behind the scenes at Sydney’s #1 FM program.

Derek Bargwanna (DB), KIIS Sydney content director, came on the show to summarise the recent complaints to the show. When Jackie O said he was their boss, Kyle explained he was not his boss. “I got DB this job…how could he be my boss?”

Things people didn’t like:

1. Three-way calls. Bargwanna played a recent “orgy call” which attracted some complaints for its topics. One from a listener who also listens to Alan Jones – that listener now listens to Jones exclusively.

2. Lies. There were some complaints about facts put to air that aren’t actually true. Recent chats about Father Christmas and white rabbits were offered up as examples.

3. Career Confidential. “I have been complaining to myself about this,” said Kyle. Again the listener’s complaint related to sexual activity, this time in a prison. One listener suggested the show should interview people with a more positive outlook, perhaps artists or poets. “Are there still poets?” asked Kyle. “The last poet was Banjo Patterson,” replied Bruno Bouchet, the show’s creative content manager.

4. Jo Beth-Taylor’s voice. Plenty of complaints about JBT’s voice during an interview yesterday after she was kicked off I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here. “Please permanently ban her from KIIS,” said one listener.

5. Stealing. Surveillance cameras have found evidence of both hosts helping them selves to items earmarked for the KIIS promotional vehicles to pass onto listeners. Kyle was found taking a carton of soft drink, while Jackie O helped herself to some crisps. When questioned by DB about the petty crime, Kyle said he didn’t think it should be a problem given the station’s record breakfast share revealed yesterday.

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