Elephant Room wins Four Pillars and Stone & Wood accounts

Elephant Room Four Pillars Stone and Wood

Jemma Blanch: “The team presented ideas that genuinely understood and embraced our brand’s history.”

Australian ecommerce performance agency, Elephant Room, has announced that it has been appointed to manage the digital transformation for Australian liquor brands Stone & Wood and Four Pillars. 

The agency was appointed to both brands following competitive pitch processes, which focused on delivering innovative thinking around next-phase digital. 

Commenting on the wins, Elephant Room managing director, Adam Sharon-Zipser, said: “We’re incredibly proud to support these iconic Australian liquor brands in their digital  transformation journey.

“We demonstrated out-of-the-box ideas around digital transformation, particularly how technology could facilitate showcasing the brand  narrative while enhancing the customer’s purchasing journey. 

“There is an emerging category for experience and content-led retail brands in Australia, and we’re confident both Stone & Wood and Four Pillars are leading the pack.”

Adam Sharon-Zipser and Matthew Ding Elephant Room

Managing director, Adam Sharon-Zipser & Director, Matthew Ding, Elephant Room

Stone & Wood brand experience executive, Kelly Powell, commented: “We are thrilled to be working with the team from Elephant Room. From the outset, we were impressed with Elephant Room’s deep understanding of our brand and their ideas for transforming our digital platforms.

“We look forward to working with them to improve our digital offering  and customer experience.” 

Four Pillars marketing director, Jemma Blanch, added: “Elephant Room’s pitch really showcased their understanding of the interplay between technology and storytelling.

The team presented ideas that genuinely understood and embraced our brand’s history, while also showing how technology can take our brand narrative to the next level.

“We’re excited to see how Elephant Room’s innovation can transform the digital journey for our customers, wholesalers and visitors.”

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