Day 2 Aussie Cannes Lions winners: The Monkeys, The Hallway, Ogilvy

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Play It Safe, The Cardboard Cake, and ‘Til It’s Done took home metal.

Day two of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity saw The Monkeys, part Of Accenture Song, lead the winning Aussie pack.

The agency won two Silver Lions – one in Film Craft and the other in Entertainment, for the Play It Safe campaign for the Sydney Opera House.

In the Design Lions category, honouring visual craftsmanship, 927 entries were received and 31 Lions were awarded by the jury.

The Hallway was among the recipients of the 14 Bronze Lions Awards for its work on The Cardboard Cake with the Wholegreen Bakery.

The Hallway and Wholegreen Bakery make gluten-free sceptics eat their words with the launch of the world’s first Cardboard Cake

Ogilvy Australia claimed one of 10 Bronze Lions in the Entertainment Lions For Sport category for ‘Til It’s Done campaign with Football Australia and The Matildas.

Simon Cook, CEO, LIONS, said: “As we celebrate the Craft and Entertainment Lions on the second day of Cannes Lions 2024, I’m once again inspired by the body of work that’s emerging from the Jury rooms.

“It is truly setting the benchmark for world-class creativity that is driving the industry forward.”

Ogilvy Australia ‘Til It’s Done campaign

The second day of the Cannes Lions awards comes after a successful day one haul for AUNZ.
‘s Touch campaign for Mastercard won bronze in the audio and radio category meanwhile – which received a total of 759 entries.
Ogilvy London and Sydney
 received one of 13 Bronze Lions in the print and publishing category for its 10 vs 10 campaign for Dove.
Plus VML Melbourne‘s FitChix work for Honest Eggs Co won a bronze Lion in the health and wellness category.
Meanwhile, New Zealand’s Colenso BBDO won one of two Grand Prix in the Outdoor category on the first day.
Colenso won with its Adoptable By Pedigree campaign, which aims to democratise dog adoption ads using AI to transform the image of a shelter dog into studio-quality photography, in line with the brand’s ongoing ambition to end dog homelessness.

DDB Group Aotearoa and Dentsu Aotearoa also took home metal.
See also:
First AUNZ winners at Cannes Lions: Colenso, Dentsu, Ogilvy, VML, H+Co, DDB

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