Essential's drama division has been behind Rake, Doctor Doctor, The Principal and more
Plus new season sees WNBL back on TV
Mediaweek editor James Manning looks at last night’s TV ratings
Yvonne Sampson chronicles her journey to Fox Sports
MKR Australia has been sold across more than 160 countries worldwide
"After five months away from Sky News, it is great to be back"
Uptin will join presenter Samantha Heathwood at 6pm each weeknight
"TV emerged as the most efficient media channel"
TV critic Andrew Mercado’s rundown on what to watch on the box next week
Arrival scored eight Oscar nominations including Best Picture and Best Screenplay
Ten head of drama Rick Maier shares insights on season two
ABC's secret Friday treat: Sideliners
Ray “Rabs” Warren will lead Nine's commentary team
Both channels are broadcasting all four games of the first weekend of finals
Topping the chart was the Dragons Bulldogs NRL clash
A new family arrives for the sixth season of Gogglebox Australia