Creator Academy is aimed at supporting aspiring and emerging Australian creators as they navigate their journeys and careers.
"We're committed to continue building OwlyWriter AI's powerful end-to-end social publishing capabilities"
My AI will roll out to Snapchatters globally with a raft of brand new features
The updates offer the AR creator community more surfaces for their lenses to be recommended to users
The offering is made up of five features that make it easier for customers to shop with confidence
85% of Snapchatters report using the app to enhance their experience of going to see live music
The features will help creators build sustainable businesses
Evan Spiegel, Snapchat CEO: "Snapchat makes things better because it’s different"
TikTok has long denied that there are any security risks posed by the app
"We're excited for what’s to come and the many creative opportunities we’ll unlock together for our client partners"
"We’re determined to help businesses understand exactly when and where their communications can drive maximum impact using this tool"
Guests in attendance included Rio Ferdinand, Adam Goodes, Tsehay Hawkins, Sarah Wilson and Adrian Eagle
Rupert Murdoch wedding, Google's ChatGPT competitor, ABC staff cancel strike, Fox News v Dominion, Martina Navratilova
“Twitch often feels to me like a child I've been raising as well"
75% of marketers plan to increase their ad spend on TikTok this year
94% of Australian parents feel that the safety of their children online is important, but many may not know where to start
The program is designed to champion the growth of emerging leaders within the media agency sector
If the limit is reached, teens will be prompted to enter a passcode in order to continue watching