Top four entities hold their positions in the rankings
Kyle: "This is my favourite interview ever"
Mediaweek editor James Manning looks at last night’s TV ratings
Weekend dips 15% as King Arthur manages to behead Alien: Covenant
The story picks up after Billie has turned her back on the Nortons
Dundas is a former director of ABC Radio
Harry Styles debuts at #1 with self-titled debut album
Nine is the first wholly Australian-owned publisher to join LiveRamp’s ecosystem
BBC One debuted its TV biopic Babs at #15 in our UK chart
Arena's Real Housewives Of Sydney appears on Sunday nights at 8:30
Peter Olszewski rounds out the media news in the Asian market
KIIS 1065 was besieged with more phone calls than normal this morning
“Programmatic is a major focus and a significant growth opportunity"
Edwards has held the same role in the leading breakfast slot for 25 years
Nova Entertainment's smoothfm launched in May 2012
Both companies disagree with the ACCC’s views.