• This comes after an Oreo cookies ad aired during the Lego Masters finale
• Nine wins the night with ACA and NRL
• Facebook News, Amazon posts $2B loss, Google ad tech fees, BCM Group, Veridooh, Million Dollar Island
• 300 staff members will be moving from Ultimo headquarters
• Robinson will commence her new role Monday, 5 September
• Munnich will relocate to Sydney later in the year to continue her screen career
• DrawHistory and B Lab, Kantar Australia, AnalogFolk, A Current Affair, Love Island, Netflix’s password crackdown, Euro 2022
• Plus Telstra signs Microsoft deal, Tabcorp, The Aunties, BBC radio, Neighbours finale
• Plus One America News, UM Australia, Polar, Natalie Barr, Hunted, Neighbours
• Kershaw died aged 76 after a short illness
• Hunted tracks down more big numbers for 10
• Plus Cheng Lei, TikTok, Publicis Groupe, IPG, New York Post and The Wall Street Journal, David Anderson, Neighbours finale, AFL broadcasting...
• WeAre8 launches in Australia on the 8th of August
• These updates will support English, Portuguese, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish and Turkish
• The State of the Industry 2022: Modern Marketing in EMEA report provides a snapshot into brand and media growth
Plus: Facebook, 303 MullenLowe, Netflix boss, the great Covid-19 gap
• Gruen becomes hot property for the ABC
• Boy Swallows Universe was first published in 2018 by Harper Collins