• emma CMV data reveals mobile to become the most-used device to access the internet by year end
The new 24-hour news channel for regional Australia, Sky News on WIN launches on Sunday, September 2 at 6am AEST.
From Monday September 3, 2018, the cover price of each of its biggest-selling mastheads will increase by 20 cents.
The target market controls “one-third of the Australian economy in terms of GDP”, says publisher Tom Burton.
This is not bad for a newspaper meant to based out of a town with a population of zero.
• A total of 2.3 million New Zealanders aged 14+ (59%) read magazines
Now in his 60s, Soper still stands out, but not just for his age.
The channel’s evening programs Credlin, The Bolt Report, Jones & Co and Paul Murray Live all set new audience records
Sharri Markson, has been named the Kennedy Awards’ Journalist of the Year and she also won the Excellence in Journalism Award at...
• Marketers are largely overlooking the semiotic codes called Bold & Brave and Free Agent
The Australian’s sports journalist on the ‘self-serving’ relationship between journalists and players and cricket’s new home this summer.
• Anderson has held senior editing positions at Mamamia and Kidspot
The Daily Telegraph was the standout performer at the News Corp Australia 2018 News Awards.
The newsroom was ‘shocked’ by the recent merger news, Cormack tells Mediaweek
• Below are the highlights from the full year results:
• Glen Caro new program director and Nadine Blayney news director
• News Corp Australia and Fairfax dominate with 23 of 34 trophies
The news brand launched the membership program just two years ago.