John Walsh: "We've got to follow those stories"
The person with the highest cumulative score earns the ‘Marketing-Multi Super Bowl Ring’.
Adam Wise: “There's a lot of emotion built into the campaign."
“We're hoping to build that strong emotional connection with the brand again.”
The move is a result of community expectations of brands and government expectations that things need to change.
Richard Roxburgh: "This family, they all believe absolutely"
Liz Ellis: "There are lots of things about the original series that are still there"
“This is a difficult decision to make and one that my leadership team and I do not take lightly."
“In the Western Suburbs, students aren’t really into advertising.”
Trent Dalton: "It's a story about a kid who wants to bust into a women's prison on Christmas Day to save his...
Troy Taylor: "Per capita, No one buys more LEGO sets than Australians do."
"There will certainly be another chapter."
Danielle Macdonald: "They make that a big central part of the story."
Graeme Yardy: “Australia evolves every year. We've changed in the time that we've been doing this.”
"We've been clear on our anti-siphoning position"
"True inclusion means removing the barriers. Age should not be a barrier to potential or to recognition."
Luke Kirby: "How is this possible?"
"People now understand that tequila can be a drink for more elevated moments."