Melbourne Cup gallops its way into Twitter's top five most-talked about sporting event 2015
BuzzFeed Australia has two new team members as its commercial operations grow
The 2015 Melbourne Cup has been Australia's largest ever live streamed event, reports Seven who yesterday launched its new streaming platform 7Live
Optus has has boosted its media profile significantly in recently, securing the rights for the English Premier League
After four weeks in the top spot, The Martian has finally been outdone by new release The Dressmaker
The out-of-home industry has reported its tenth straight month of YOY growth
Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings w/c 25/10: Q&A and Rugby World Cup the talk of Twitter
Star Trek is returning to TV, but will be used to drive viewers to the new CBS streaming video service, CBS All...
Harper's Bazaar, Inside Out and Elle Australia are the top three most-followed titles on Instagram, according Australia's first ever Instagram Performance Report
NewsLifeMedia launches new premium storytelling agency LifeLab, a search for the agency head in process
Optus has secured the Australian rights for the next three season of the Barclays Premier League
Dan Bourchier appointed Sky News political reporter and national indigenous affairs correspondent as David Lipson heads to the ABC
ARIA Charts: 5SOS take on the world with new album #1 on debut here and UK, Adele #1 single
It's official! The Bachelorette to co-host new 2Day FM breakfast show with Rove McManus
OMD and NewsLifeMedia have partnered to commission a ground-breaking study with AMR Research about millennials
Australians spending more than an hour a day on smartphones, reveals IAB Australia and Nielsen's second Mobile Ratings Report
Seven dominates regional TV charts with four of the top five programs in week 43, Seven's 800 Words at #1
Australian content rules the top five slots on subscription TV in week 43