• Home and Away helps Seven win the night
• Hard Quiz has over 600k for battle of the duds
• Seven wins a close night over Nine but Lego Masters still 7:30 king
• Nine builds Lego wall strong enough to keep out Big Brother and MasterChef
• Seven #1 with winning Anzac Day combo
Nine has kept its TV ratings winning streak as MAFS transitions to Lego Masters.
Anzac eve Tigers v Demons #1 non-news, Nine screens Home Front 2
• Footy boosts Seven and Nine as Vera repeat helps ABC
• Gogglebox top non-news show with over 600K
• Hard Quiz has strong night despite tough competition
• Anh's Brush with Fame and Old People's home for 4 year olds were both under 500,000
• New 7:30 pm battle begins with Lego Masters and MasterChef launching
• MAFS 1.398m out does Meghan and Harry's explosive interview
Nine had its best primary share since February and its third best of the year
Eagles win boosts Seven + Vera and the gardening shows also popular
• AFL strong in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. NRL performs well in Sydney and Brisbane markets
• ABC has a strong night with Hard Quiz, The Weekly, and Fisk all over 500k
• 588K tune in as Schapelle Corby departs DWTS