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The 2025 Mediaweek leadership team is driving the brand’s continued momentum.
Lauren Wetzel: 'Data clean rooms enable brands to collaborate without compromising data control.'
Richard Brett: 'Navigating a way through this shifting landscape is crucial for brands and organisations, particularly as they face renewed scrutiny of...
Amrita Sidhu: 'The vast majority of journalists are struggling to adapt and fear what these changes might mean for them.'
Married at First Sight reaches over 2m.
Hannah Rook: 'This makes shared events—and the unified audience they create — a uniquely powerful advertising opportunity.'
Eloise Liley: 'In 2025, brands have a choice - to aim for cultural relevance or to push past it and strive for...
Donna Berry: 'Yes, things are tough, but that’s also what makes Australians determined to take holidays.'
Vesna Jaric: 'Equality is everyone’s responsibility. 2025 is the year for men and boys to stand alongside women and girls to help...
'We are concerned the government's rapid, closed-door consultation process on the minimum age law is undermining necessary discourse.'
Zach Kitschke: 'AI in marketing is no longer an experiment—it’s an essential strategy. If you’re not leveraging GenAI to drive creativity, efficiency, and...
Darren Woolley: 'For real change to occur this needs to be an ongoing effort by everyone from the board, C-Suite and shareholders...
Monique Perry: 'Nielsen’s extensive data suite has become essential for any brand, agency, advertiser, or marketer focused on using data to stay...
Karen Halligan: 'BVOD and broadcast TV continues to reach a vast majority of the national population each week, with BVOD viewing particularly...
Nearly 80 per cent of agencies plan to increase their investments according to IAB Australia’s Australian Audio State of the Nation Report.
The lack of knowledge proves to be a major challenge for brands and agencies trying to build trust in digital advertising.
Gai Le Roy: 'The digital advertising market again achieved double-digit growth in 2024 sustained by an ever-increasing range of ad formats and environments.'
The shock report claimed brands have unknowingly served ads on websites featuring explicit and illegal content.