Paul Swann: "We sought to capture the smooth characteristics of a Guinness on a winter's day."
The Unexpected Guest was one of 63 submissions received from a wide range of Indigenous companies.
Mim Haysom: "In some instances, things not worth a huge amount of money can still be incredibly precious to people."
ME Bank’s girl maths ad, City Fertility Centre's radio ad, and Metroll Darwin all faced the gavel.
Rest confirmed the edit to Mediaweek, while Todd Sampson said "the scream is the best part ... the strategy makes absolutely no...
"It was clear to us that Apparent had deep expertise in B2B and really understood our complex audience segmentation and associated business...
Among the attendees were Nine, Big W, ABC, Bupa, Telstra, Thinkerbell, BMF, and M&C Saatchi.
"Candles that smell like individual scenes from your favourite shows, precisely layered around a wick that has been produced to burn at...
The restaurant chain sent over 10 million marketing messages in breach of Australian spam laws across a four-month period.
“The creative empowers and celebrates diverse migrant and refugee experiences."
"There is a stereotype that if you eat frozen meals, you’re lazy or a loner. In reality, you’re anything but."
"What started out as a conversation regarding a refreshed commercial and consumer strategy quickly turned into the desire to redefine a broader...
"Four’N Twenty is famous for its pies, and we are famous for our chicken, and in my book, that makes this the...
"It needs potholes, it needs distractions and cramped spaces, and perhaps even an element of motion sickness."
"I hate when things aren't going well, and the client throws the agency under the bus and says they're not good enough."
The agency was appointed as Stanley's agency of record in October last year.
Nina East: "We set out to make a confronting campaign that would make a difference."
Richard Shaw and Jeremy Hogg: "There’s a clear ambition, from both a business and advertising point of view, to move the brand...