Dave Cameron: "We couldn’t be prouder to be ending 2022 on such a high"
KIIS 101.1’s content director: “I’m looking forward to seeing Alice put her stamp on this show"
Plus: What 2023 looks like for ARN and the state of the industry
The mental health podcast will stay with the network for another two years
Young’s appointment is effective January 1, 2023
Plus: Podsights
"All four stations end the year in really good shape"
Erica McGee and Stephanie Macfie move into the roles
Chatfield: "Hopefully this will make people realise that slut shaming isn't funny or a cute personality trait"
ARN was the top publisher with 18,302,166 monthly downloads
This is the ninth consecutive rise in cumulative audience growth
"We've got more listeners than any other metro network"
CEO Paul Whittaker: “We continue to offer support to affected staff members whose welfare remains our primary concern"
Insights from the campaign found that in summer months there is a 19% increase in Australian podcast consumption
Nova breakfast and drive also both have dominant wins
Plus: 2GB ended like it began, closing the year at #1
Alex will take over as host of Strawny for Breakfast on the Mid North Coast's Triple M, starting on Monday 16 January
Mix 102.3 and SAFM narrowly equal first in competitive drive slot