A sale price was not revealed, but there has been speculation the station sold for close to $30m.
• Radically homosexual, radically feminist, radically tattooed
smoothfm is #1 FM in mornings with Ty Frost, in the evening with Cameron Daddo and on weekends.
• Nova again #1, breakfast busts above 15%
• Mix still #1 overall and Fiveaa breakfast leader
• Triple M win #1 overall
• smoothfm win gives Nova Ent FM lock on major markets.
• smoothfm new #1 FM station as WSFM ratings tumble
Results and Analysis of GFK Radio Survey 7.
The event was a showcase of the 2018 highlights.
“We’re so excited to be part of the evolution from KOFM to Newcastle’s Triple M"
The podcast finishes with a look at the Freddie Mercury movie Bohemian Rhapsody and the final season of House Of Cards.
The two TV writers also discuss one of their top picks of the year – Bodyguard.
Mentored is the brainchild of founder Mark Bouris, who hosts the original PodcastOne series, The Mentor.
• It was a largely youngish crowd, peppered with a few veterans
• The breakfast show made it rain dollars over the Queensland capital
Bouchet is returning to work at Shriro, which distributes and manufactures home appliances and consumer electronics.
• 3.8 million Australian adults have listened to a podcast in the last three months