• It was the first event in a busy Week for Nova’s Red Rooms to coincide with ARIA Week.
• Russell had previously hosted a daily show of Dwayne’s World on SEN SA
Hit Dance will sit alongside Hit’s existing DAB stations of Buddha, Oldskool, Easy and Urban.
• Coming next season: Greater coverage of NRLW plus crossbar and corner post cams!
• Adam Shand surges into Podcast 100 October chart
• Thompson will finish at Macquarie Media this Friday.
• Each Sunday in December both networks will curate and present live music concerts for listeners
• Lucy Smith, Dave Woodhead, and Avani Dias join the line-up
• Clarkson’s appointment is the first in a newly expanded leadership team at SCA
“When you get a smack in the face that you could die, do something about it, I’m doing something about it."
"I'm delighted to announce that Stephen Beers is returning to 3AW as station manager – Melbourne"
• The Nova Network has launched its first pop culture podcast, The Babble.
• Hamish & Andy #1 original podcast, Adam Shand highest new entry
When the ratings figures for Nova Entertainment evening host Kent Small (aka Smallzy) were downloaded last Tuesday morning they revealed his Nova...
• Former breakfast great part of a refreshed lineup in new year
“We always had the desire to do something together,”
“This is the first time we have ever had all those stations ranking so well"
• Campbell agreed that O’Connell has some old school radio qualities