Building trust and driving sales with nudge playbook: The Growth Distillery


Nudges using trusted payment options at the bottom of the funnel are up to 8 times more effective compared to generic ads.

The Growth Distillery, in collaboration with The Behavioural Architects, have released a new behavioural science-based playbook and simulator tool to show brands how to leverage the most relevant mental shortcuts or ‘nudges’ used by consumers to help establish trust and drive brand preference.

The new research analysed 34 distinct cues that leverage cognitive biases to nudge consumers toward making decisions. It found marketers who know which cues effectively nudge consumers to the next purchase stage will thrive in this landscape by building trust and driving engagement. Findings include:

• Nudges using trusted payment options at the bottom of the funnel are up to 8 times more effective compared to generic ads.
• Offering something ‘free’ can be up to 5.8 times more effective at driving consideration, particularly at the top of the funnel.
• Use of scarcity through limited-time offers create urgency and drive purchases making it more than 4 times more effective.

Mike Daniels

The Behavioural Architects founder Mike Daniels said: “Project Nudge adds further nuance to how behavioural science principles work in practice. It provides marketers with evidence-based frameworks to build trust and boost brand desirability. It demonstrates how conversion can be optimised through the marketing funnel, whilst helping consumers to make confident and informed purchasing decisions.”

The research also uncovered that different nudges are more effective at different stages of the purchase funnel and vary in their impact across different categories and publication channels.

Leigh Lavery

The Growth Distillery head of growth intelligence Leigh Lavery said: “As the digital landscape becomes increasingly complex and competitive for consumer attention down to the microsecond, marketers who can effectively use nudges to influence consumer behaviour will gain a significant advantage. Understanding how and when to apply these nudges in the new modern landscape allows brands to differentiate themselves and stay ahead of competitors.”

The Growth Distillery and The Behavioural Architects have launched the Nudge Simulator, which allows marketers to test and refine their strategies, ensuring the most effective nudges are applied to drive desired outcomes.

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