The globally beloved Australian children’s TV show Bluey is partnering with LEGO to bring the animated series into the world of plastic bricks. Fans of the popular blue heeler pup and her family can look forward to six LEGO sets featuring Bluey, her sister Bingo, and their parents Bandit and Chilli, set to launch in June 2025.
The collaboration, announced jointly by The LEGO Group and BBC Studios, will cater to a wide age range, with sets designed for children aged 4 and older and a Duplo range for younger builders. The sets will be available via LEGO’s official website upon release, with more details expected closer to the launch.
Michaela Edgerley Stovicek, head of preschool at The LEGO Group, said: “We believe that this partnership is a match made in heaven for younger builders and families alike. The Bluey brand has play at the heart of everything they do, which aligns perfectly with the LEGO brand values and mission.”
This marks another significant milestone in the expansion of the Bluey franchise, which has captivated audiences globally since its debut in 2018. Julie Kekwick, head of licensing hardlines consumer products at BBC Studios, added: “LEGO Bluey products will offer families a fantastic new way to engage with beloved characters and stories from the hit animated series, cultivating even more imaginative play inspired by the Heelers.”
A natural collaboration
The partnership between Bluey and LEGO seems like a natural fit. Both brands celebrate creativity, family bonding, and playfulness. Since its Australian premiere, Bluey has become an international sensation, airing on platforms like Disney+ and BBC’s CBeebies. Last year, it was the most-watched show on Disney+ globally and the top kids’ show on ABC and CBeebies.
This collaboration comes as Bluey creator Joe Brumm takes a step back from the TV series to focus on an upcoming feature film slated for a 2027 release. While Brumm has hinted at the possibility of continuing the TV series, his focus on storytelling quality ensures that every Bluey project maintains its heartfelt and relatable charm.
The LEGO partnership represents a new chapter in Bluey’s global growth. Managed by BBC Studios, the Bluey brand has already seen massive success in books, toys, and other merchandise. With the addition of LEGO sets, fans will now have another way to bring the Heelers’ world to life.