Biarta Parnham: Balancing agency ownership with study – the value in skill stacking

Biased - Biarta Parnham

“Curiosity and entrepreneurship often go hand-in-hand.”

By Biarta Parnham, founder and managing director, Biased

As a perpetual student, I’m passionate about lifeline learning, as I work hard to quench my thirst for knowledge. From watercolours to wine – you name it, and I’ve probably done a course in it.

Listening to Steven Bartlett live recently, his comments about skill stacking with contrasting areas really resonated with me.

That’s because over four years ago I started a boutique agency, Biased, but coincidentally I also started studying law at the same time. Sure, it was during COVID and lockdown provided me with a false sense of security around my availability, but hey, there were no implications if I failed. After all, my job doesn’t depend on it.

So why law? (as I’m asked all the time) Do I intend to practice? Probably not. Will Biased offer legal services one day? I doubt it. But, I’m constantly acquiring knowledge which is relevant to not only marketing, communications, but also the management of business, in unexpected crossovers between the disciplines.

For me, heading into a three-hour lecture after a 10-hour work day is unexpectedly calming. Nothing says mindfulness like turning your phone to flight mode, sitting in a lecture theatre, and listening to a topic that is unrelated to the multitude of tasks you’ve done that day. The immense concentration is a sure-fire way to stop my always-on brain thinking about the business every waking hour.

And it’s humbling to be at the bottom. Starting again, being a small fish in a big pond. I’m not 18, there’s no kick ons at Uni Bar afterwards (J.O.V represent), and I’m choosing to put myself through this, unlike when you’re graduating school and there’s some level of expectation that uni is next on the cards.

But while dorm-life may be behind me, the value in the relationships and contacts I’m making is just as important. I’ve made friends with my peers from all walks of life who are also balancing full time work, families, and social commitments.

Curiosity and entrepreneurship often go hand-in-hand. And while I appreciate not everyone can find the time, but where you can I encourage you to seek out studying things that you maybe never thought you were capable of when you were younger. Not necessarily for a career change, but because adding to your skills stack can only add to your growth. As the saying goes, knowledge truly is power.

Top image: Biarta Parnham

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