• Wide World of Sports will be broadcast from 6pm-7pm in each market from Monday to Thursday
• The Bachelors Australia is coming soon to 10 and 10 Play
• The promotions of Osborn and Cattelain bolster the agency's investment and digital capabilities
• From July, The Feed television program on Tuesdays at 10 pm will be discontinued
• Vance Joy will play an exclusive performance on Monday, June 20
• The eight-part series follows five Australian and New Zealand hardcore towing companies
• The documentary is a forensic examination of the ‘Frankston Serial Killer’ Paul Charles Denyer
• 44% of Australians say they are familiar with the metaverse
• Plus activeTV, Ukraine’s news channels unite, Amanda Keller, Bachelor screenshots
Producer Mark Fennessy had to swap Hollywood stars after Ian McShane withdraws
Plus: Marc Maron, Conan O’Brien, Nils Lenard, Hooked, Hitched & Hung Up, Judith Neilson Institute, and More than just a Mum
• CTA cards will appear in the music streaming service app as eye-catching visuals
• Sheargold created the concept for the multi-platform campaign
• Businesses small and large have seen the impact TikTok can make for sales