Total digital subscribers at News Corp Australia over 1m, Total Foxtel Group subs reach 4.6m, 25% of revenues
Foxtel screened the first three episodes of the second season of Upright in the recently refurnished Enmore Theatre
The Prime Video Buff will get paid up to $40k for the three-month job
The agency will manage media planning and buying, brand awareness and improving customer sentiment
Meta and SBS, JP Media, Kevin Rudd, ABC
Hedley Thomas presented with Sir Keith Murdoch Award for The Teacher’s Pet podcast series
The new clients include Adelaide Festival, Nova Systems Australia, Vonex and Minda Inc.
Cameron: "SCA has delivered another strong set of metro results today with both the Hit Network and Triple M network"
The long-running show again broke cume records and attracted the most listeners for any radio show in Australia
Pollinate Sustainability will help businesses identify the cause of their sustainability issues
The radio product follows the launch last year of Marquee’s television module
•Full results and analysis for the seventh GfK Radio Ratings Survey for the year
In the upcoming Heroes v Villains season, the show takes viewers back to where it all began in Samoa
The television event features new scenes, never-before-seen moments and too many bloopers and blunders