ARIA Charts: John, Olivia & Meghan top the charts again, just four new releases chart
New MEC agency bosses: Peter Vogel to run Asia, James Hier new Australia and NZ CEO
BBC's Sherlock coming to Stan
Triple M head of content Mike Fitzpatrick and Nova group program director Paul Jackson discuss the results for GfK radio survey 4/2015
International Champions Cup one week away: 25 games of football in four weeks
Le Tour de France to bring the race to Australia in 2016
Cartoon Network series recommissions + Twitter releasing Star Wars emojis
Special report: Nine's Melbourne launch of The Hot Plate
New Nine EP Stuart Clarke secures Sam McClymont to host The Farmer Wants A Wife
Fairfax subscribers to be amongst the first to read the Harper Lee's new book "Go Set a Watchman"
Trending at Mediaweek: Le Tour de France comes to Australia, Netflix knows what you want + Hamish and Andy back on radio
Outdoor: Nothing fishy about these winners
This week we welcome The Voice to the top 30 while Lip Synch Battle bubbles under
Women Love Tech celebrates third anniversary