At Seven’s Upfront on Wednesday, October 18, the network announced the new reality format Stranded On Honeymoon Island for 2024. The show...
Marty Sheargold: “I need to set aside some time to get my work/life balance"
John Aiken: "I'm looking forward to taking a deep dive into each season of the show.”
"With all the music attendees arriving and the sun shining it finally felt more like a festival"
"I am excited to help lead Initiative Melbourne into its next growth phase"
Hitaf Rasheed: "We are excited to attract more fans to our great race"
Alex Pacey: "Our partnership with Beatgrid endorses our sincere belief in the power and importance of accurate, actionable, measurement"
"The culture of brand partnerships has changed and that presents a lot more opportunity for everyone"
Rupert Murdoch, Joe Aston, Natasha Exelby, Doctors soap
The first phase of Seven’s work with Databricks has been completed
Below is a breakdown of what to expect from Seven over the next 12 months
Seven also announced new data and insights partnerships with View Media Group and Raiz Invest
Next year will also bring the national rollout of
The offerings will include first-run content from the biggest and best studios in the world