This time last year Mediaweek published a very sorry set of numbers
Osher speaks with Mediaweek's James Manning in our Potts Point studio.
The acquisition includes Sky News and Australian Channel services.
This week: Big Bash League manager Anthony Everard, Cosmopolitan & Yours editors, Outdoor 2016 review Part 1
Henschke has been with the broadcaster for 34 years
The new feature is included in all plans
Joining Mediaweek editor James Manning this week on Seven Days is MCN editor-at-largePaul McIntyre.
Over 50,000 people attended the five shows across Australia's capital cities
Lorelai and Rory Gilmore push The Crown from top spot
Former editor Tiffany Dunk writes: "Today a little part of me died"
“It’s prime time to rethink TV”
Nine’s cricket coverage will be hosted by Mark Nicholas
The moves mean new editors have been appointed for New Idea and Home Beautiful
FMCG brands leading the way using digital video to deliver brand uplift