James Manning and Kruti Joshi on location at OzPod 2017
MKR Australia has been sold across more than 160 countries worldwide
"After five months away from Sky News, it is great to be back"
The Shine Awards celebrate the achievements of women across rural and regional Australia
Smallzy’s interview with Harry Styles airs tonight on Nova
Uptin will join presenter Samantha Heathwood at 6pm each weeknight
"TV emerged as the most efficient media channel"
Sampson on her journey to Fox Sports
Arrival scored eight Oscar nominations including Best Picture and Best Screenplay
News Corp Australasia executive chairman Michael Miller joins the show
The fund is aimed at supporting emerging community-based podcasters
Nova offers advertisers biggest podcast offering
WHIMN editor Felicity Harley is the special guest on this episode of Seven Days
Also this week: Dan Box, Brisbane Times, Yvonne Sampson