Kevin was voted #1 from a field of 30 finalists
'Lots of other mediums work but TV remains the king'
'We reiterate our commitment to improving 2Day FM breakfast'
Over $160k worth of prizes were presented from event sponsors
Rosehaven will air on ABC later in the year.
Network Seven will cover all the Swimming Champs action
Turner's Robi Stanton: 'The PJs are completely super-cute and super-fierce!'
Filming for The Cry has begun with Jenna Coleman and Ewen Leslie
Goalpost Pictures is known for the original drama Cleverman
ABC KIDS listen is aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia
Every week, 30 ladies with attitude are introduced to several bachelors one by one.
Nine has run the numbers on its total audience across the summer
Fairfax’s Sydney Morning Herald was the highest-reaching title with 5.18m readers.
ten daily is set to launch in the next few months