• Clear majority of top 15 magazines grow their print readership
• It’s a 360-degree, virtual reality film at key sites along Australia’s Trail of Remembrance
• ‘Woman’s Day tends to get a hard time from its media competitors’
• Q&A pulls one of biggest audiences with former PM
• 50 sports live and on demand, no contracts, from $25 monthly
Networks have finally realised that they just can’t show rubbish for two months and expect people to come back.
The podcast finishes with a look at the Freddie Mercury movie Bohemian Rhapsody and the final season of House Of Cards.
The two TV writers also discuss one of their top picks of the year – Bodyguard.
• Both matches will be broadcast live and in high definition
The new series will launch on Thursday November 22 at 7.30pm.
“I am impressed and excited by OMD’s bespoke client-centric model"
TorchMedia first introduced advertising on Sydney Trains in 2013.
• IBISWorld explores how the merger will impact the media industry
The journalists union has issued the following statement: