• GroupM forecasting that as much as half of all viewing could be addressable
McGuire sparked another backlash yesterday ahead of calling his first derby this Saturday
Nielsen has released the March 2019 Nielsen Digital Content Ratings tagged data.
Podcast listeners were up over 30% on January driven by new daily show The Quicky.
• Nielsen has reported MAFS season six saw more than six million social interactions
• 60 matches will be played over 10 days, culminating in the Grand Final on Sunday, July 21.
• Based on writer Grace Rouvray’s celebrated blog “The Island of the Dead”
• Nuñez was instrumental in leading CBS’ acquisition in 2017 of Australian broadcaster Network 10
• Gizmodo, Kotaku and Lifehacker are licensed in Australia as part of the Nine-owned Pedestrian.TV group
“It’s fantastic to see such strong applications coming through"
• She steps into the role vacated by Claire Butterworth
• Patricia Munoz and Sheryl Chen are joining Finecast as client strategy managers
• Nardi is a publishing specialist who takes the role of director of sales
• Rowley commences in his new role on April 15.