The study modelled the effects of different TV advertising budget allocations across linear and streaming.
"We've been looking to introduce this role into the agency for a while."
Mediaweek looks back on May's big moves - and there's plenty of them.
This campaign is Avid Collective and Mindshare's second pro-bono offering for Citizens of the Reef.
"Being able to data match is the highest value property that you can buy in digital audio because it enables ad dollars...
"To successfully navigate data privacy, brands need to be proactive, transparent and prepared."
The Foundation brand will disappear, and current Foundation MD Liz Wigmore becomes Hearts & Science MD.
"Aggregating the scale of broadcasters’ BVOD inventory is more important than ever as we work towards Total TV trading via VOZ."
The series is the first of five documentaries in the Beyond The Dream series.
The Summit had a total TV national reach of 1,456,000.
At 4.2%, growth in Asia-Pacific is faster than the 2023 pace of 3.7%, according to the holdco's forecast.
Kerry Stokes' net worth increased 51% year-on-year to $11.3 billion.
Foxcatcher has integrated data cleanroom functionality into WorldView to allow brands to upload their first party data securely.
"I aim to position GumGum as the ultimate choice for advertisers and agencies navigating this dynamic terrain."