• Buchanan spoke about what this means for the industry and shared his message to minister Dominello
• Chandra also discusses the projected growth in the year ahead and the IMAA
• Green also spoke about the agency's tear-jerking Qantas campaign
• Cowlishaw also spoke about upcoming innovations and the year ahead
• Barrett: "News Corp is on a very ambitious programme to completely transform digitally"
• Dubois also talks about the event's growth over the years and the blockbuster line-up
• Evans also spoke about the importance of data and the impact of Covid
• Co-CEOs Mark Jones and David Jack also discuss the year ahead for the advisory firm
• Phil Pollock also spoke about the future of programmatic buying and automation
• "We're ready, we knew that the Google Armageddon was coming," Brain said
• Plus the influx of client wins and the IMAA
• Le Roy also discusses the IAB's recent move to Ipsos
• Megan Pustetto busted MAFS bride Tamara Djordjevic for making nasty racist phone calls
• McDonald also discusses the impact of the pandemic and his outlook for the year ahead