O’Brien: "I stand proudly as chairman of the number one media independent in the market"
Sophie Madden also spoke about celebrating the achievements at the Awards and living out the "We Are The Changers"
Papoulias and Rajadurai share their perspectives, thoughts and opinions
"It's also a great honour to be part of a very talented and successful bunch of inductees"
"Awards are never the goal; it’s the inputs that matter, and right now, the inputs are exceptional from our bench of talent...
Healy and Monti share their perspectives, thoughts and opinions
"Life and work were both fast-paced and exciting!"
Plus: Beadon on her career highlights and what she hopes to achieve with the agency
Media buyers revealed what stood out to them, what was missing and what they would invest in
They also shared their thoughts and opinions about YouTube's offering, what stood out in the presentation
Tim Gurner: "I sincerely regret that my words did not convey empathy for those in that situation"
Plus: Ahmed shares her advice to up-and-coming strategists
Gurner previously made headlines for suggesting people should eat less brunch if they wanted a stake in the property market
Plus: Wilson on Crimtan's growth, impressive range of clients and his outlook on the company and industry